Fathers Rights – Have they got it wrong?

Sadly, only a few people have contacted me through this site. The surprise is that they have all been men. Instead of mothers reaching out in the spirit of sisterhood, it’s dads emailing their stories to me. Though it’s only a few, there’s a definite common theme— a lack of fathers rights. In all of […]

The Welfare Checklist

What is ‘The Welfare Checklist’? The Welfare Checklist is a list of 7 criteria that the courts use when making decisions during family law proceedings. It can be found fully in section one of the Children’s Act 1989: The ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child – in light of their age and understanding. The […]

Contact—Whose right is it anyway?

At family court, disagreements over contact are common. Representing yourself can be made easier by accepting, every child has the right to a relationship with both parents—so long as it doesn’t bring them harm. It isn’t about what’s best for you or what’s best for your ex. As difficult as it may be, a contact case […]

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